Monday, March 19, 2007

Start Saving

sometimes, we failed to define the word SAVE. in sport, the word save means to prevent the opposition from scoring. in finance, it's not so much different with the sport term for save.

in finance management, we have opposition. the opposition is our spending habit. fail to handle it will make it win and our saving will be not so much, or even likely to be not at all. here's some tips to control the habit than winning meanwhile decrease our monthly saving.

1. spend for yourself.
ah ah ah... don't get excited. spending for yourself is not spending on new clothes, new handphone, eateries, etc. it's paying yourself. save your money first! allocate a certain percentage of your monthly earning and let it be in your saving. whether you like it to sleep in your saving account or invest in unit trust.

2. necessities not accessories.
know your priority. spend on your clothes rather than your extravagance dress or shoes.

3. reserve for emergency
again, malang tidak berbau. it shouldn't be very much, maybe a hundred buck is good enough.

4. set your style
sometimes we can go into a deep debt or with zero saving just to get ourselves up-to-date. why should we jeopardize our own money for the changing lifestyle? next year, the style changes, and we should change to be in line with it. overcome the world's style. pick up your new, evergreen style.

5. remember the tomorrow
where does the malay proverb 'kerana guruh di langit, air di tempayan dicurahkan' came from if it's not from us? don't be too sure that your increasing salaries, your bonuses, etc. might cover your tomorrow if you don't have any saving plan today.

6. start now!
don't wait until the next salary to start saving. procrastination is the worst enemy in planning. start, even if it's only 2% of it.

with a proper plan, you shouldn't have to cut your eateries. believe me.