Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Unit Trust? What The...?

what is unit trust?

when it comes to unit trust investment, most of our people begin asking, is it risky? is it a kind of MLM? is it a quick-rich scheme? and many more.

for me, the key word is simple. it's a kind of saving.

there's many kind of savings. savings is a fund of money put by as a reserve and protecting it from any source of danger. in this case, we define reserve as, something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose, and danger as the causes of loss.

more than that, we should be wanting for more! it is because of inflation! each year, inflation rate averaged 4%. just imagine our monies' value would reduce 4% each year. if we save a buck today under our pillows, imagine how much the values in 30years time!

unit trust is not a quick-rich scheme, nor MLM or any kinda nonsense. it is a government-guaranteed activity. the very first private unit trust fund was launched in 1967. it became aggressive in the 1980s where bank-backed unit trust companies began to emerge. thus where Public Mutual began (that time known as KL Mutual). from 1990s onwards, many more unit trust companies emerged including PNB (where ASB, ASN, etc reside). na... get the clearer picture? unit trust and ASB (most visible one) are similar, in fact ASB is a kinda unit trust.

to double your money in 5-10 years in unit trust or to keep it safe and sound under your pillow or in the common bank, the choice is yours.